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"Latte and the Magic Waterstone"

is based on the children's book by Sebastian Lybeck and tells the story of a young hedgehog who, in order to safe the forest and all its inhabitant from a terrible drought, sets out on a perilous journey to reclaim the stolen waterstone from the mighty bear king.



Genre: CGI Animated Feature Film


Audience: Family entertainment


Status: Theatrical release December 2019 - Netflix US release June 2020


Running Time: 81 minutes


Screenplay: Andrea Deppert, Martin Behnke. Additional writing: Jesper Møller, Regina Welker & Nina Wells


Directors: Regina Welker and Nina Wels


Producers: Lilian Klages, Mark Mertens, Thomas G. Müller


Produce by: Dreamin' Dolphin Film 

In co-production with: Eagle Eye Filmproduktion & Grid Animation







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